Système de surveillance des coupons de corrosion !



Corrosion coupon monitoring, as one of the fundamental techniques for corrosion assessment, offers simplicity in operation and high data reliability. It serves as a vital criterion for equipment and pipeline material selection. Shengli Refinery currently employs two primary corrosion coupon monitoring methods.

corrosion monitoring system

The first method involves shutting down the equipment for maintenance, placing corrosion coupons in critical corrosion-prone areas within the apparatus, allowing them to remain for a full production cycle, and then retrieving them during the subsequent maintenance shutdown. The corrosion weight loss of the coupons is measured, and the corrosion rate is calculated. This approach, known as On-site corrosion coupon monitoring, typically spans the operational cycle of the equipment, typically lasting 2 to 3 years.

The second method utilizes coupon probe technology as an alternative approach.

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